Publications, books and CDs by Simon Chadwick


I have always been better at starting projects than finishing them. So a lot of my writing and research and recording has been published online as “interim” reports or work-in-progress. However, sometimes I get round to finishing a project and writing it up for publication…

Peer-reviewed articles

‘Provenance and recording of an eighteenth-century harp’ The Galpin Society Journal LXXIII, March 2020, p.85-110 & 199-201

‘Medieval Gaelic harp setup’ Early Music Performer 40, Spring 2017, p.16-25

‘The early Irish harp’ Early Music vol 36 no.4, November 2008, pp.521-532

Book chapters

‘The contest between instrument and idea: “the harp”’, in The Cultural History of Musical Instruments in Scotland, 1700-Present Day, eds. Vivien Williams & Hugh Cheape, forthcoming.


Progressive Lessons. Early Gaelic Harp Info, completely re-written 3rd edition 2017
(original 1st edition 2009, 2nd edition 2014, abridged young person’s edition 2012 all out of print)

Gestures. Early Gaelic Harp Info, 2011 (out of print)

CDs (all out of print)

Guest track on The Friends of Wighton CD, FOW001, 2016
Track 9: ‘Port Rorie Dall’ (from Aird’s Airs vol 6, 1801).

Lament for the Union CD-single, EGH4, 2014

Tarbh CD, EGH3, 2013

Old Gaelic Laments CD, EGH2, 2012

Clàrsach na Bànrighe CD, EGH1, 2008