
I started my “Emporium” in 2005. Initially I concentrated on books and CDs, but I have gradually turned more towards harp hardware and accessories. I like to think I could get you anything at all that you need, that is connected to traditional wire-strung Irish harp. Get in touch and let me know what you are looking for. As well as the items listed here, I can source other things for you.

Harp strings, hardware and accessories

I keep stock of wire strings for old Irish harps. I also have string charts available to download, or I can draw up a custom string chart for your harp.

I have done a huge amount of work to try and understand the design and specifications of traditional wire-strung Irish harps. I am very happy to advise on the parameters, and on what kind of a harp you need to play the traditional harp music using the traditional playing techniques. To assist harp-makers, both professional and amateur, I maintain a resource page of harpmakers plans and information.

I make or source tuning pins and tuning keys.

I also sometimes have other accessories available.

Books & CDs

I have a limited stock of new and secondhand books, and also new and secondhand CDs, records, and cassette tapes.

I also occasionally publish books and CDs.
New book for 2021: Sylvia Crawford, An introduction to old Irish harp playing technique

How to order:

Send an email to, or phone or text me, telling me what you would like.

Please note: postage is charged extra. Click here for payment information.

If you are not sure what you need, still get in touch and ask me. There is no commitment to place an order; just call or email and see if the price and description is really what you are after. I am happy to recommend other sellers who might have what you need.